Our approach to pay is gender-neutral, which means that men and women are paid equally for doing equivalent jobs. Glenholme regularly reviews pay levels across all roles within the organisation. We have strong female representation throughout our workforce, women comprise 65% of our total workforce.

All companies that employ over 250 team members are required to report annually how they pay their male and female team members. The information provided is based on Glenholme’s pay and bonus data.

The Gender Pay information measures the difference between average male and female earnings across a group of workers, regardless of their role.

Proportion of Males and Females in Pay Quartiles

The table below shows the gender split when we order the hourly rate of pay from highest to lowest and group the workforce into four equal pay quartiles.

QuartileFemale employees (%)Male employees (%)
Upper (first quartile) hourly pay7724
Upper middle (second quartile) hourly pay6435
Lower middle (third quartile) hourly pay6435
Lower (fourth quartile) hourly pay6634

Mean gender pay gap using hourly pay (Men / Women): 2%
Median gender pay gap using hourly pay (Men / Women): 0%
National average: 15.5%

Percentage of men that received a bonus: 3%
Percentage of women that received a bonus: 3%

Mean gender pay gap using bonus pay (Men/Women): 18%
Median gender pay gap using bonus pay (Men/Women): 10%

We are proud of the fact that there is no major differentiation in hourly pay. The difference in pay including bonus is caused by the differing roles in the senior management team. We confirm that our gender pay gap data calculations are accurate and meet the requirements of the regulations.

Kent Phippen

Group Managing Director & CEO