This website is owned and maintained by Glenholme Healthcare Group Limited. Glenholme Healthcare Group Limited is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 07681646.

Registered office address: 79 High Street, Eton, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 6AF

VAT Number: 227069604

Glenholme operates a number of subsidiary companies. Their details can be found here:

Glenholme Specialist Healthcare (Northern Region) Limited

Registered in England & Wales
Company Number: 07446940
Registered office address:
79 High Street, Eton, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 6AF

Glenholme Specialist Healthcare (Southern Region) Limited

Registered in England & Wales
Company number 05757165
Registered office address:
79 High Street, Eton, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 6AF

Glenholme Specialist Healthcare (Central Region) Limited

Registered in England & Wales
Company number 13599289
Registered office address:
79 High Street, Eton, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 6AF


Registered in England & Wales
Company number 07250646
Registered office address:
79 High Street, Eton, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 6AF


Registered in England & Wales
Company number 11583481
Registered office address:
79 High Street, Eton, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 6AF

Glenholme Senior Living (Sleaford) Ltd

Registered in England & Wales
Company number 10015774
Registered office address:
79 High Street, Eton, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 6AF

Glenholme Senior Living (Bispham Gardens) Ltd

Registered in England & Wales
Company number 11754195
VAT Number: 314804326
Registered office address:
79 High Street, Eton, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 6AF


Registered in England & Wales
Company number 12202234
Registered office address:
79 High Street, Eton, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 6AF


Registered in England & Wales
Company number 12204876
Registered office address:
79 High Street, Eton, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 6AF


Registered in England & Wales
Company number 12410875
Registered office address:
79 High Street, Eton, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 6AF

Glenholme Senior Living (Horncastle) Ltd

Registered in England & Wales
Company number 12760229
Registered office address:
79 High Street, Eton, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 6AF

Glenholme on Social Media

Glenholme Healthcare Group employs over 400 staff nationwide that may use social media and we respect that our staff may have their own social or political views, however, these views do not represent our organisation. Aside from this website, Glenholme Healthcare Group officially operates a number of social media accounts for related news and announcements. Glenholme official communications will come from these channels alone and will never issue statements from personal accounts. Glenholme will post officially on:

We always encourage sharing of our official posts and we hope you will follow us.

Safeguarding Service Users on Social Media

Glenholme has policies in place to ensure that the people we care for and their privacy are protected. Glenholme will never share the personal details of its users. At times, Glenholme may seek the consent of its servicer users or their families to feature them in a piece of content such as a photo or video, to be posted on official channels only. This is entirely at the discretion of service users (if they have the capacity to authorise it) or their families. If you or your family member is featured in an image or video we have posted that you wish to be removed, please contact your respective service manager or message us directly on the associated platform and it will be taken down.