Privacy Statement: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Data Protection Registration Number: ZA194097

The GDPR is a European regulation for the protection of personal data that will come into force on 25 May 2018 and will be put into UK law through the Data Protection Bill which was unveiled by the government in August 2017. Before 25 May 2018, the 1998 and 2003 Data Protection Acts apply.

GDPR Privacy Notice

What personal information does Glenholme hold?

Where provided, we have the names, work addresses and email addresses of post holders working for companies and organisations in the independent health and social care sectors. These include family and friends (where nominated) of working in care homes, care home groups, homecare agencies and agency groups, independent hospitals and clinics, hospital and clinic groups, mental health hospitals and clinics and dental surgery groups. We may need to capture images of you as part of our security and safety processes such as the use of CCTV footage. We also hold this information about post holders in similar parts of the public sector, including local authority care commissioning and contracting units in all UK councils and all Clinical Commissioning Groups. In addition, we hold information relating to post holders in suppliers and advisors (e.g. lawyers, accountants, financial advisors, management consultants) to the health and social care sectors.

What does Glenholme do with the data?

We use the data we collect in the following ways:

How we collect information


Glenholme’s data is held in the following places:

Data removal

If you do not wish us to use your data ourselves or license your personal data to a third party for marketing purposes you can:

What marketing channels and on what basis can Glenholme data be used after 25 May 2018?

Our communications are ‘business to business’ (B2B) and to family and friends of existing and potential service users and as a result we are processing data on the legal basis of ‘legitimate interest’.

What restrictions are there on the use of Glenholme data for marketing?

We process data on the basis of ‘legitimate interest’ and can make legitimate interest assessments available for viewing as required. Any party who purchases a data license from us must establish their own legal basis for processing.